Why Join?
Top 10 Reasons for Students to Join the Michigan Psychological Association 10. Other interesting, smart and fun people belong to MPA! 9. It looks good on an internship or job application! 8. Low cost, big reward investment in one’s future! 7. For scientist-practitioners, MPA is where the rubber meets the road! 6. Opportunities (connections, scholarships, poster contest)! 5. Access to those who have been around the block (ethics consults, business of practice info, list serve)! 4. Support (peers, mentors, legal consult, see above)! 3. There is strength in numbers (legislative, insurer advocacy, scope of practice)! 2. Because if you are not at the table, you are on the menu (MPA is the only state wide advocacy group specifically for psychologists and also linked to APA)! 1. Because it is the right thing to do (supporting and participating in the future of the profession, and all that MPA does to benefit the public and psychologists)!

MPA Members Remarks on Why They Joined MPA! I originally became a member of MPA due to a colleague asking me to join (I am so happy I did!). ECPs are an important membership group of MPA and more ECPs are welcome and encouraged to join MPA as we have a strong voice and a seat at the table. I decided to join a committee and became a member of the Communications Committee. I later became the Chair of the Communications Committee and quickly learned how important MPA was as an organization for psychologists in MI. MPA engages in SO much advocacy for psychologists in MI! During my time on the Board, I have met incredible colleagues and have learned a lot about leadership, which I would not have had the opportunity to do otherwise. --Antú Segal, PsyD, ABPP
MPA membership grounds me in the collective wisdom of a long-standing organization that monitors and influences the practice of psychology in Michigan. I love having access to tailor-made continuing education and networking with other psychologists through MPA-facilitated peer consultation groups. In addition to professional enrichment on a personal level, for me, MPA is an outlet through which I can connect with like-minded colleagues as we all contribute to pro-social initiatives that improve lives through applied psychology. --Elissa H. Patterson, PhD
Besides its important role in advocating for the profession and for mental health issues in our state, MPA offers a terrific opportunity to get to know, and learn from, other psychologists I wouldn't otherwise have a chance to meet. The people who have been donating their time and energy into this organization have much wisdom and knowledge to share, as well as a passion for our field. --Cynthia Schroeder Rodriguez, PhD
Membership in MPA is important to me because MPA is the premier organization in Michigan that advocates for psychologists' title and scope of practice with legislators. Additionally, MPA advocates for access to quality and timely mental health care for all, which is critically important at this time when access to psychological care is challenging for many. I am proud to be a member of MPA because it allows me to contribute to this profession that has given me so much! --Brittany Barber Garcia, PhD
Being a member of a professional organization such as MPA gives one the opportunity to make an impact on issues affecting the well being of psychologists and of the public at large. Representing MPA opens doors, to decision makers and business and health insurance company executives, which would be very closed were one representing oneself. This is the way to go if you want to make a difference on issues related to the provision of mental health care in Michigan. --Louis Post, PhD
In the 1980s, my good friend and colleague Joe Walrad, PhD, urged me to join MPA, which I did. Somewhat earlier, he had been encouraged to join by his postdoc supervisor. Over the years Joe has commented about the importance of staying affiliated with our organization. I asked Joe to summarize why he values MPA: In many clinical settings, we work mostly alone. MPA membership helps to prevent a sense of isolation by providing collegiality and networking through its activities and services. MPA helps us to create professional connections and friendships. Our conventions and conferences have the feel of a reunion. The Association tries to make a difference by reaching out to members in various ways, such as the rural networking conference. The quality of speakers has been excellent, representing top notch researchers and practitioners in the field. A number of our distinguished members have shared their expertise in presentations. Joe has long been convinced of the value of the MPA website's “Find a Psychologist” referral service (especially for children) for his private practice in Allen Park. In summary, I think Joe's points add up to the importance of MPA as a professional support group in many ways. --Andy Kronk, PhD
There are two reasons why I am and remain an MPA member. First is the people - colleagues, peers, leaders, scholars who are gifted, dedicated, knowledgeable, and now, great friends. Second, is the professional elasticity - staying abreast of current information in the field, reducing my liability risk by being involved in leadership, and contributing to protecting my profession by actively participating the association's efforts to promote psychology and scope of practice for psychologists. --Deb Smith, PsyD