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Why are Multiple Diagnoses the Norm?

What’s New in Psychology?

Why are Multiple Diagnoses the Norm?  

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Many Mental Health Conditions are Not Chronic – And Do Not Preclude Thriving

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Many Mental Health Conditions are Not Chronic – and Do Not Preclude Thriving

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Sanity and the City

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Sanity and the City

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New Program Reduces Gun Violence and Shootings

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New Program Reduces Gun Violence and Shootings  

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Witnessing Domestic Violence and Future Mental Health

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Witnessing Domestic Violence and Future Mental Health    

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Why are People Willing to Excuse and Spread Misinformation?

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Why are People Willing to Excuse and Spread Misinformation?

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Can Conduct Disorder be Accurately Predicted?

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Can Conduct Disorder be Accurately Predicted?   

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The Long-Term Repercussions of Gunshot Injuries

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The Long-Term Repercussions of Gunshot Injuries

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Substance Use Disorder Carries Over into Adulthood

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Substance Use Disorder Carries Over into Adulthood  

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Do Depressed Mothers Shape their Kids Behavior through Biology or Socialization?

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Do Depressed Mothers Shape their Kids Behavior through Biology or Socialization?

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Is Bias Evident in How Doctors talk to Patients?

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Is Bias Evident in How Doctors talk to Patients?

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Health Inequities and Racial Discrimination and Prejudice

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Health Inequities and Racial Discrimination and Prejudice

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Dissociation and Substance Use

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Dissociation and Substance Use

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How Long Does it Really Take to Recover from a Concussion?

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How Long Does it Really Take to Recover from a Concussion?

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Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depression May Be Effective for Up to a Year

What’s New in Psychology

 Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depression May Be Effective for Up to a Year

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Chronic Conditions linked to Dementia Risk

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Chronic Conditions linked to Dementia Risk

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How to Add Years to Your Life Expectancy

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How to Add Years to Your Life Expectancy

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Talk about Behaviors and Feelings – Not Weight or Size

What’s New in Psychology?

Talk about Behaviors and Feelings – Not Weight or Size

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Remembering Faces and Names Can be Improved While You Sleep

What’s New in Psychology?

Remembering Faces and Names Can be Improved While You Sleep

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Who is Most Prone to Fatal Premature Heart Attacks?

What’s New in Psychology?

Who is Most Prone to Fatal Premature Heart Attacks?       

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