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Understanding Implicit Bias In The Mental Health Profession
Thursday, September 28, 2023, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Category: Events

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Understanding Implicit Bias In The Mental Health Profession
1 Implicit Bias CE
September 28, 2023
12 PM - 1PM
Most mental health professionals reject overt forms of bias such as discrimination, harassment, or use of slurs. Yet, research suggests that while most counselors avoid overt oppression, many counselors and counselors-in-training demonstrate covert, implicit forms of bias even when they rate themselves as culturally competent. This is happens for two primary reasons. First, bias is fundamental to the way human beings process the world—it does not necessarily reflect intentional bigotry or prejudice. Second, we are all socialized into cultural ideologies and worldviews that lead to negative ways of thinking about groups of people that are outside of our awareness. These are our implicit biases. While an individual's bias may be evident to an outsider, the person holding this bias may not be aware due to the nature of how the brain processes and categorizes information. This has the potential to cause clients harm, as counselors who operate out of implicit bias may unconsciously assume, dismiss, or be insensitive to how aspects of a client's identity influence their presenting concerns. In this webinar, you will learn about the nature of implicit bias, its impact, and strategies to minimize and reduce this impact in clinical settings.
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